When Rewatching Classics Ruins Things

I remember watching The Notebook with some girlfriend recently.We were really excited about watching it together for the first time. We hadn’t met when it was first released. We were having some boy problems and stuff and decided to have this girly night. They don’t live in my town you see. We met on one of my trips and became really close. So they came over to hang out with me in my town and be outsiders together.

So anyway we were all excited about having this girly day in on the couch watching romcoms together. We decided to put the mother of all girly shows and watch The Notebook. At the end of the film we were cursing. Yeah. not quite the same way we received it when we were young and unbittered.

Friends is probably the only thing I can rewatch and it has the same appeal. Some shows get better in time actually. But the reason I bring this up is because of how this girl expressed her magical beliefs cracking when she rewatched a Disney film.

Read the story here!


Read to the end cos it gets funny when she saves the broken memory with a brand new realisation.. Cute! Hehe.

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